A scrumptious dollop of pure youthful allure, Porn Star Kurious has proven to be one of the randiest performers of the late 90's. A truly beautiful young woman, Kurious has a gorgeous, smiling face that's framed by a shock of long, curly dark blonde hair. It's her wonderful little figure that gets most of the attention in this business, though. And what a figure it is! A leggy, delectable dish that's topped by a pair of tasty, ripe little boobs, Kurious' frame is just what the doctor ordered when it comes to hardcore. And her nicely ample backside has proven impossible to resist in a whole string of out-there encounters. Kurious jumped into hardcore with both feet soon after she turned eighteen. Her youthful spunk and spirit instantly won her a place in the hearts of porno fans across the nation. Kurious' wide-eyed good looks lend a real air of innocence and --should we say it? -- sexual curiosity to each performance. She seems a natural at this sort of thing, as one glance at her steamy debut session in "More Dirty Debutantes 97" will demonstrate. Kurious' amorous romping with Ed Powers showed off the vivacious, fun-loving approach that she would bring to each new appearance. Since her 1998 debut, Kurious has sexed her wanton way through just over twenty hardcore features. Among the best are her head-spinning turn in Tom Byron's "Cumback Pussy 14," and her frenzied flinging in "Real Sex Magazine 16" opposite some lucky stiff called Junior. A true oral specialist, Kurious' tongue-twisting talents are on display in such steamy videos as "Blow Job Adventures of Dr. Fellatio 19" and "Shut Up & Blow Me 16." Fans of lithesome young lovelies will flip for this irresistible bundle of tightly-wrapped passion.
Born: 1977-04-30
Height: 157
Measurements: 49
Weight: 49
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